How to Prompt for Yes/No/Cancel Input in a Bash Script

Mastering interactive Bash scripts is essential for automating command-line tasks effectively. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to prompt users for Yes, No, or Cancel input. This will not only make your scripts user-friendly but will also help you process their responses efficiently. Let’s dive into how you can incorporate these elements into your Bash scripts, complete with practical examples and tailored tips.


  • Basic understanding of Bash scripting
  • Familiarity with variables and functions in Bash
  • Knowledge of conditional statements, such as if and case
  • Ability to work with loops, especially while loops
  • Optional: Installation of readline package if you wish to enhance input handling


Using interactive prompts in scripts can significantly improve user experience by guiding users through options instead of requiring them to know command-line flags or arguments.

The Script

This script will prompt the user for input, allowing them to respond with Yes, No, or Cancel. Based on the user’s input, the script will either proceed with a task, exit gracefully, or handle an unexpected input error.


prompt_user() {
    while true; do
        read -p "Do you want to continue? (Yes/No/Cancel): " choice
        case "$choice" in
            Yes|yes ) echo "Continuing..."; break ;;
            No|no ) echo "Exiting..."; exit 0 ;;
            Cancel|cancel ) echo "Cancelled by user."; exit 0 ;;
            * ) echo "Invalid input. Please type Yes, No, or Cancel." ;;


Step-by-Step Explanation


Make sure to give execute permissions to your script using chmod +x before running it.

This section will break down each part of the script to help you understand its functionality:

  1. Function Definition: The script starts with a function called prompt_user which encapsulates the entire input loop.
  2. User Prompt: Inside the function, a while loop repeatedly prompts the user until a valid input is received.
  3. Input Handling: The user’s input is evaluated using a case statement, leading to different actions based on the input.
  4. Error Handling: If the input is neither Yes, No, nor Cancel, the script informs the user of the invalid input and prompts again.

How to Run the Script

To execute the script, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing your script.
  2. Make the script executable with the command chmod +x
  3. Run the script by typing ./ and follow the instructions on the screen.


Interactive Bash scripts are powerful tools that can enhance user interaction greatly. By following this guide, you now have the foundational skills to prompt for Yes/No/Cancel inputs, handle user feedback properly, and implement error handling in your scripts. Experiment with this framework to make your command-line tasks even more user-friendly!


  1. What if my script doesn’t run?

    Ensure that your script has execute permissions and that you are in the correct directory.

  2. Can I customize the prompt message?

    Yes! Modify the string inside the read -p command to suit your needs.

  3. How can I handle more input options?

    Extend the case statement with additional patterns and their respective actions.

  4. Is there a way to provide default input?

    You can use the read command with a variable and set a default value in your script logic.

  5. What should I do if I encounter unexpected behavior?

    Check the script’s logic carefully for typos and test the input flow step-by-step.


Here are some common issues you might face while running your interactive Bash script:

  • Syntax errors: Look for mismatched quotes or missing semicolons.
  • Permission denied: Ensure the script is executable; use chmod +x
  • Infinite loop: Ensure that valid inputs lead to a break in the loop; review your case statements.