Bash Script to Append to Variable Example

When it comes to managing variables in Bash, appending values to an existing variable is a common task. This article will provide a straightforward example of how to append to a variable within a Bash script, which can be extremely useful for various scripting scenarios.


  • Basic understanding of Bash scripting
  • Familiarity with variables in Bash
  • Knowledge of arrays (optional, but helpful)
  • Experience with echo and read commands


Appending to a variable can help you build strings dynamically, making your scripts more flexible and powerful.

The Script

Here’s a simple script that demonstrates how to append to a variable in Bash. In this example, we’ll take inputs from the user and append the input values to a single variable.


# Initialize an empty variable

# Read multiple inputs and append them
while true; do
    read -p "Enter a value (or type 'exit' to finish): " input
    if [ "$input" == "exit" ]; then
    my_var+="$input "

# Display the final result
echo "You've entered: $my_var"

Step-by-Step Explanation


This script continuously prompts the user for input until they type ‘exit’.

In this section, we will explain how the script works step-by-step.

  1. Initialization: We start by initializing an empty variable called my_var.
  2. User Input: The script prompts the user for a value using read.
  3. Condition Check: If the user types ‘exit’, the while loop terminates.
  4. Appending Values: If a valid input is provided, the input is appended to my_var.
  5. Display Result: Once finished, the script displays the complete value of my_var.
Bash Script to Append to Variable Example
Bash Script to Append to Variable Example

How to Run the Script

To execute the script, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file, for example
  2. Copy the provided script code into your file.
  3. Make the script executable by running chmod +x
  4. Run the script with ./


Appending to a variable in Bash is a simple yet powerful technique that can help streamline your scripts. With the above example, you can easily gather user input and build a cohesive string dynamically to fit your needs.


  1. Can I append to a variable in a function?

    Yes, you can append to a variable defined outside a function, or you can define local variables within the function scope.

  2. What will happen if I forget to initialize my variable?

    If you try to append to an uninitialized variable, it will be treated as an empty string, and the appended values will still work.

  3. Can I append output from other commands?

    Absolutely! You can append the output of commands by using command substitution, e.g., my_var+="$(command)".

  4. What if I want to append without extra spaces?

    You can append without spaces by using different syntax, e.g., my_var+="$input" without the space.


Here are some common errors you might encounter while appending to variables and how to resolve them:

  • Unexpected token error: This usually happens if there’s a syntax error in the script. Double-check for missing quotes or semicolons.
  • Variable not displaying as expected: Ensure you used echo correctly and are evaluating the variable at the right point in the script.
  • Infinite loop: If you forget the exit condition, the script will keep prompting indefinitely. Always implement a way to exit loops.