How to Open a Terminal and Run a Command Using a Bash Script

In the world of programming and automation, efficiently executing commands can save time and enhance productivity. One way to streamline repetitive tasks is by using Bash scripts. This article will guide you on how to write a Bash script that opens a new terminal window and runs a specific command automatically, offering a seamless experience for executing tasks.


  • A basic understanding of Bash scripting
  • Familiarity with executing commands in the terminal
  • Installed terminal emulator (e.g., gnome-terminal, xterm, or konsole)
  • Essential system packages for running terminal commands


Automating command execution with scripts can significantly reduce human error in repetitive tasks and enhance overall workflow efficiency.

The Script

The script we will write is simple yet effective. It utilizes a terminal emulator to open a new window and executes a command of your choice. Here’s a sample script that you can modify according to your needs:

gnome-terminal -- bash -c "echo 'Hello, World!'; exec bash"

Step-by-Step Explanation


Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to execute scripts and that your terminal emulator command matches your installed program.

The following steps will help you understand how the script works:

  1. Shebang Line: The line #!/bin/bash at the beginning of the script indicates that it should be run in the Bash shell.
  2. Opening Terminal: The command gnome-terminal opens a new terminal window. You may need to adjust this if you use a different terminal emulator.
  3. Running the Command: The -- bash -c option specifies that a new Bash shell is to be executed, followed by the command in quotes.
  4. Keeping Terminal Open: The exec bash command ensures that the terminal remains open after the command has been executed, allowing you to see the output.

How to Run the Script

After writing your script, follow these steps to run it:

  1. Create a new file for your script, e.g.,
  2. Add the script content provided above and save the file.
  3. Make the script executable by running chmod +x in the terminal.
  4. Finally, execute the script using ./


Creating a Bash script to open a new terminal and run commands automatically can ease your workflow significantly. With just a few lines of code, you can tailor your command execution to fit your specific needs, enhancing productivity and efficiency in your tasks.


  1. What if my terminal command doesn’t work?

    Ensure you have the correct terminal emulator installed and that you are using the correct command for it. You can also check your permissions.

  2. How do I create a Bash script?

    You can create a Bash script using any text editor, save it with a .sh extension, and ensure it’s executable.

  3. Can I add multiple commands in the script?

    Yes, you can separate commands with semicolons within the quotes, or use line breaks if you prefer readability.

  4. What if I want to run a command that requires root access?

    You may need to use sudo before the command inside the Bash script, but be cautious as it may prompt for a password.


Here are some common error messages you might encounter while using Bash scripts and how to fix them:

  • Permission Denied: Ensure that your script is executable using chmod +x
  • Command Not Found: Check that the command you are trying to use is correctly spelled and available in your PATH.
  • Terminal Not Opening: Ensure that you are using the correct terminal command for your installed terminal emulator.